.. Marked as an orphan for Sphinx to suppress warnings. It's linked by the custom theme. :orphan: Download Py4J ============= You can download Py4J by using pip, ``pip install py4j``, or easy_install, ``easy_install py4j``. Alternatively, you can download the latest version of Py4J from `PyPI `_. After you have downloaded Py4J, you can follow the :doc:`Installation instructions ` or jump to the :doc:`Getting Started Tutorial `. Download Py4J for Eclipse ========================= You can download Py4J plug-ins from this update site: ``http://eclipse.py4j.org/`` If you have Java 7+, you can use https: ``https://eclipse.py4j.org/`` Requirements ============ Py4J requires: * A Python interpreter. Py4J has been tested with 3.8+. * Java 7.0+. Py4J for Eclipse requires: * Eclipse 3.6+ (Eclipse 3.4 and 3.5 should probably work) * Java 7.0+ If you would like a particular version of Python or Java to be supported, fill a `feature request `_.